Sunday, February 25, 2024

My long term pause reaches to an end

Varanasi, India (26.02.2024)
The Land of Rebirth & Salvation

Hi everybody, my long term pause (...) of writting has come to an end and this has happened in Varanasi the capital of death, rebirth and salvation for the Hindu religion. Interesting coincidence.

Why am I writting again? 

It is as simple as I truly missed having an outlet to share my thoughts about marketing and consumer behaviour  topics with others. Having the possibility to raise my voice outloud and talk freely about the good, the bad and the ugly of my profession is priceless.

Why did I stop writing in the first place?

I let my context and circumstances dictacte my actions. I stopped writing in this forum 7 years ago right after I left University and I joint Unilever one of the largest marketing companies in the world.

Joining the workforce is a challenge for everybody specially if you work for a massive coorporation where THE HOW (PROTOCOLS, EMAILS, POLITICS, ETC) can take over the WHY (I decided to do this job in the first place). 

I got so lost in the system and in what some call the "rat race" that I got burnt out. I lost that spark for reporting my thoughts about marketing with the outside world, and decided to let it go; at least for a while.

However, everything wasn't in vein. I truly believed this forced stop gave me the space I needed to grow in other areas of my life and specially evolve as a caring, compassionate and brave human being. All invaluable skills to triumph in all fields of life.

Because of the reason mentioned above I built up some resentment towards my profession.  However, time helped me to heal this pain of and reignite the fire of passion I used to feel about marketing in the past.

And that is how I find myself here talking to you now. Promising to myself and even most importantly to you the reader that this time I will make everything that is in my hands to keep present my reason WHY I started. 

Also, I would like to thank and acknowledge here the people that has played fundamental role in motivating me to work in this project. 

Firstly, I want to thank my dad Enrique for reading all of my blog posts and encouraging me to write again. Please Dad keep reading my articles wherever you are ♡ 

Also, I want to thank my stepdad Manuel for giving me invaluable spoken and unspoken feedback about my blog. 

To my wife Anna for being my fan #1 . I Love you deeply.

To my favourite marketing teachers Ana Rumschisky and Ramón Mendez. Without their inner fire and passion for this profession I don't think I will be writting this blog and enjoying this work that much.

To my readers for taking the time and energy to engage with this content and for giving me the opportunity to teach you something new or shed new light into a topic you might be already aware of.

And lastly, I want to thank ME. For following my heart, for BELIEVING in myself and being brave enough to let go of what doesn't feel right and welcome it back when it felt like the right moment.