Are you trying to
ind a consumer insight that can help your brand stay relevant whilst re#,3; dqb maining true to its b rand essence? Are you interested in anticipating consumer trends to stay ahead of the curve? The examples in this blog post could inspire you to bring this mindset to your job.
This Christmas I visited the ‘Volez, Voguez, Voyaguez’ exhibition from Louis Vuitton in NYC. The purpose of the exhibition is to bring to life the story of the brand, its founders and as well of those who today are inventing the Louis Vuitton of tomorrow. When you get in the exhibition, you need to download the exhibition app. This app can be used to enhance your experience of the exhibition using photo filters and unlocking virtual experiences throughout the different rooms.
The tour opens with the most symbolic object of the brand, the maison, which was created in 1854 and since then it has been considered a model fashioned with contemporary flair, embodying the travelling & forward-looking spirit of the brand. The design of the trunk taps into a bold ‘diamond insight’ which is
‘Travellers desire to explore every corner of the world without renouncing to their comfort and elegant lifestyle’
Sticking to this powerful insight has allowed the brand to evolve and develop products that meet the needs of travellers of all times.
The thing that stricken me the most is Louis Vuitton's ability to design products which adapted to the changes in transportation methods and people’s lifestyle to stay relevant. Back to 1854, when the first flat trunk has been designed, people used to travel in transatlantic steamships. These cruises were spacious, and it was a pleasure allowed only to the few. Also, back then people’s lifestyle was more laid back than in today’s world. All of this made of the flat trunk an immense success. Beginning of the twentieth century, the automobile and airplanes were invented, drastically decreasing travelling time. These less spacious transport methods combined with a faster pace of life probably inspired the creation of the steamer bag.
Staying true to its brand essence and looking beyond its industry has allowed Louis Vuitton to evolve to stay relevant. Across industries we can find similar examples to this, where multi billion dollar companies have reinvented themselves whilst staying true to their brand essence such as Lego which back in 1939 used to produce wooden toys with the purpose of ‘providing an outlet for a child’s imagination’. Nowadays, Lego makes Hollywood films, video games and bricks whilst remaining true to its brand essence-
McDonald’s is another brilliant example of this, the brand evolved from been a barbecue restaurant in California with the ambition of being ‘customer’s favourite place to eat & drink’, to a drive-in restaurant with a streamline menu which day by day is including more healthy options to adapt to taste and changing needs of people. The fast-food chain evolved whilst staying true to its DNA.
All these examples mentioned above show that finding and sticking to a powerful insight, keeping your eyes open to how other industries and people's lifestyle change and quickly adapting to this are key success factors that could help your brand to stay on trend.